ReConnective Therapy Practitioner Training Opportunities in 2023
The embodiment of new frequencies – Continuing Training
As we are movinging into 2023 a new energy system with new frequencies is available for all of us. This system is available to us once it is anchored into the physical level. However, this is not necessarily happening automatically. RCT is facilitating this process of expanding into the new system and the new frequencies and anchoring them into the physical body.
Working as an RCT Practitioner, involves the energetic work of ReConnective Therapy. But also the concepts of RCT are a foundation for educating your clients with information that can support them to align with the health and wellbeing they desire. This year, in addition to the particular structure and function training in RCT APEW classes, the practitioner training is aligned with the new frequencies, supporting your body to align with the new energy system. With the new energy system the body can hold a broader resonance than in the old system. As your system embodies and anchors the new energy system, you will be able to support your clients in the same process.
As a practitioner your relationship with your inner world has an impact on both your personal life and your role as an RCT Practitioner. We are offering these training options to support and grow your internal practice, self-awareness and expansion.